Secpol.msc Is Not Recognized

2020. 1. 23. 03:03카테고리 없음

Secpol.msc Is Not Recognized

How to Disable the Use of USB Storage Devices in Windows 10If you want to prevent others from copying important materials/files from your computer through USB storage devices, it’s a good idea to disable the use of USB storage devices on your computer. To do this, you can simply restrict access to removable storage disks, or completely prevent removable storage devices from connecting to your computer through the USB port. Now, this post will show you the two options to computer.Option 1: Disable/restrict access to USB storage devices by Group Policy EditorStep 1: by running gpedit.msc in Run (Win + R) dialog box.Step 2: Expand Computer Configuration Administrative Templates System, and select Removable Storage Access.

On the right-side pane, locate 'Removable Disks: Deny execute access', 'Removable Disks: Deny read access', and 'Removable Disks: Deny write access'. Double-click on each of them to configure it.Step 3: Select Enabled, then click Apply and click OK. This will disable execute, read, and write access to any removable disks including USB storage devices connected to the computer. If you want to enable the use of USB storage devices, set it to ' Not configured' or ' Disabled'.Option 2: Disable the use of USB storage devices by Registry EditorStep 1: by running regedit in the Run dialog box.Step 2: Go to ComputerHKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesUSBSTOR, and then locate the DWORD value named ' Start' on the right-side pane.

Secpol.msc Is Not Recognized

Edit the variable value. It is a long string separated by semicolons. Make sure the executable file’s location is one of the entries in this string. If it is not, enter the location of the executable file’s parent folder. Note that in Windows 10, the values are presented in a table format, which makes it a bit easier to read. But in Command prompt, it says “is not recognized as an internal or external command”. WTF Microsoft? They screwed up (may be in name of security) big time.

Secpol.msc Is Not Working In Windows 10

The default value data of Start is ' 3'. Double-click on Start, and set its value data to ' 4'.Step 3: Restart Windows 10 for the changes to take effect. This will prevent any USB storage device from connecting to the computer, and thus disable the use of USB storage devices on the computer.Note: By Registry Editor, you just disable the use of USB storage devices, but it won’t affect the use of USB mouse, keyboard, and printer on the computer.

MMC was originally released as part of the Windows 98 Resource Kit and is included on all later versions. It uses a Multiple Document Interface in an environment similar to Microsoft’s Windows Explorer. MMC is considered to be a container for the actual operations, and is known as a “tools host.” It does not, itself, provide management, but rather a framework in which management tools can operate.Sometimes, there may be a possibility of a scenario in which some snap-ins may not work properly. Especially, if the registry configuration of a snap-in is broken (note that Registry Editor is not a snap-in), the snap-in initialization would fail. In this case, you’re likely to get following error message (a specific message in case of Event Viewer): MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly.Let’s see how to fix MMC Could Not Create The Snap-in error via the following method.

Secpol.msc Is Not Recognized